
Showing posts from September, 2019

Human perspectives VS Divine perspective Milton paradise lost.

       Thinking Activity.      Milton wrote poetry and prose between 1632 and 1684, and is famous for  his Epic poetry.    His famous work paradise lost, is one of the most recognized work in English literature    He was puritan poet . Puritanism, begun in England in the 17th century , was a radical protestants movement to reform the church of England.      Human perspectives and Divine perspective.     In the bigging of the poem   God created the son .  A human perspectives in the centre of the universe and poet also stands in favour of humans rather than God  Common human qualities like lust for more knowledge , temptation , arguments.      We can see in this long poem even is responsible for disobedience because of the she eating the fruit for more knowledge to the superious and she is a human being, we can see in the poem human emotional.        Divine perspectives.     In  'Genesis', the fall is narrated from God's perspective obviously

Thinking Activity: Wordsworth and Coleridge.

     * Wordsworth's  view  on poem.*           William Wordsworth  7 April 1770, 23 April 1850 was an English Romantic poet.      He was one of the founder of English Romanticism and one it's most centre figures and important intellect.     He is best known for Lyrical Ballads, co- written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The prelude a romantic epic poem chronicling the " growth of a poet's mind ."    " Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful passion interal feeling of the poet procceds poetry ."        His views on poem and he say that poem should be made as simple, sincere as the language of every day life and using the objective nature and powerful imagination and feeling in the poem.     Internal feeling of the poet procceds in the poem it is a matter of powerful feelings, nature and functions, the qualifications of a true poet in his preface to the Lyrical Ballads.       #  Samuel Taylor Coleridge view on poem .#

Coleridge: Biographia literatia

         # Different between poem and prose#              Poem is a form of written word that has pattern and rhythm and rhyme. Poetry is as creative as you make it.        Basic poetry is inverse form called a stanza made up of meters created by feel.            The bacic difference between poem and prose  is that we have sentences and paragraphs,whereas  lines and stanzas can be found in a poem.        Poem :             A piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas, emotions is given intensity by particular attention to diction, rhythm and imagery. There are kind of poetry narrative, dramatic and is not always possible to make distinction between them.    Example:    an epic poem , The song of Hiawatha epic poem, la Bella Dame sans Marcy.     Prose :         Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, prose is so called ordinary writing made up of sentences and paragraphs, without metrical structure, another term for seq

Wordsworth's preface

1. Video               In this video discussion the difference between the classicism and the Romanticism.               The classicism and Romanticism they are two ideologies sometime they are school of thought sometime we may say it's all about the technique of writing certain things or insurance the way you write poetry or the subject you choose about your work of art may be poetry of epic. if we look at neoclassicists that was prevalent in England during the latter half of the 18th we know that it was a period in which intellect was considered to be the ruling guiding principle , pope , Dryden they considered to the neoclassicism and they believed in intellect their poetry was an intellectual imagination the guiding principle.                    And onther that is neoclassical and romanticism is  that in neoclassicism restrained was the ruling world they believed that should be restrained and Romanticism .                       Neoclassical and restoration period find dif

Country vs Nation - State

        Country vs Nation - State by Bhagwat Rawat .        In this video Bhagwat Rawat elaborated about the country and Nation.        He is useing two words country and Nation is well described and We all understand what is he want to say and we useing the word Nation we don't feel like patriotic but useing the word country is feel like patriotic.   While we all useing the country word. It is very effective to all people.     # shitala  saatam - Religion  vs science.#     Shitala saatam is the day that day many people going to temple of shitala ma because they are believe that the small pox remove while they are worship of shitala ma and that day so many people's eating cold  food. We also have to survey the people who are suffering from deficiency of B12. And so many people are taking  injection.

In Defence of Freedom: A Film by Nandita Das

                          Nandita Das         Nandita Das is an Indian actress and director.  She has acted in more than 40 feature films in different languages.  * Fire 1996,  * Earth 1998,  *Bawandar 2000,  *Azhagi 2002,  *Kamli 2006.       Let's see  short  introduction about Saadat Hasan Manto.       He was novelist,  playwright , essayist , screen writer , short story writer.     He was manily writing in the Urdu language.    He was Indian Pakistani writer and he was Write about Truth of society and best known for his stories about the partition of India.      Let's discuss about this video .           Saadat Hasan Manto played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui.    In this video Nawazuddin Siddiqui say about literature and freedom the need  to say things as they are, without dilution.  This film is biographical drama about the famous Urdu author Saadat Hasan Manto.    In this video Nawazuddin Siddiqui discuss about what is Write

Dryden Dramatic poesy - concept of the videos .

  Video (1).   In the first video discuss about three questions . # why Dryden is called the father of English criticism.? # In which way he is neoclassical critic? # How Dryden different from classical tradition.?        Dryden as " the father of English criticism"  because he is the first man after Aristotle tries to give new definition to criticism before that sir Philip sideny who only elaborated what is said by Aristotle and he more renaissance man . Dryden influenced by Aristotle and langinus . and Plato says that poetic is merely imitation and second hand imitation while Dryden tries to say it is " just and lively image of human nature."           Video (2).                  The second is about the two prime questions is Dryden as a poet and critic.          Dryden is also good things from neoclassical and Elizabethan. and mixture of classical and Romanticism.       Video (3).        In the third about the explanation of the

The purpose by T.P kailasam

      Thanking Activity;   The purpose by T.P kailasam     " the father of humorous palys" and later he was also  called kannadakke obbane kailasam " meaning " one and only kailasam for Kannada".  T.P Kailasam came from a Tamil  Brahmin family . He  began writing plays based on social issues in easily understood contemporary Kannada . T.P kailasam had great sense of humour and his wit was unmatched his palys are replete with these qualities. Kailasam had written many plyas in Kannada and English. Some of his famous books in Kannada are, # Makala school mana alawa , #Sikarni savithri , # Sathavana santhapa,  # Hanninabal kanirranni  His English plyas are.. # Fulfilment, #Purpose, # The Brahmnis curse, The Burden. The purpose by T.P kailasam is a short play dramatizing events that  occurred in the Mahabharata involving Drona, Arjun , and Eklavya . Drona is a skilled teacher. renown throughout the land for h