Thinking Activity: Wordsworth and Coleridge.


  * Wordsworth's  view  on poem.*

          William Wordsworth  7 April 1770, 23 April 1850 was an English Romantic poet.

     He was one of the founder of English Romanticism and one it's most centre figures and important intellect.
    He is best known for Lyrical Ballads, co- written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and The prelude a romantic epic poem chronicling the " growth of a poet's mind ."

   " Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful passion interal feeling of the poet procceds poetry ."

       His views on poem and he say that poem should be made as simple, sincere as the language of every day life and using the objective nature and powerful imagination and feeling in the poem.
    Internal feeling of the poet procceds in the poem it is a matter of powerful feelings, nature and functions, the qualifications of a true poet in his preface to the Lyrical Ballads.

      #  Samuel Taylor Coleridge view on poem .#

           S.T. Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772 in Devon, England a friend to poet William Wordsworth Coleridge was a founder of the English Romantic movement his best known poem are ..
   " The Rime of the Ancient mariner ."
    " Kubla Khan" the latter of which was reportedly written under the influence of opium.
      Biographia literatia is also the great autobiographical work written by Samuel Coleridge in 1817.
  Tow cardinal points of poetry :
         Coleridge begins this chapter with his views on two cardinal points of poetry. The power of existing the sympathy of the reader by faithful adherence to the truth of nature,
    The power of giving the internet of novelty by modifying with the colours of imagination.

       Analyze 2 poems with reference to Wordsworth and Coleridge views.

    William Wordsworth was an English poet, a key figure of Romanticism, and author of the most famous poem even written about daffodils.
       He devoted his life to poetry and used his feelings for nature to express him self.
       Wordsworth had two simple ideas that he put into his writing of poetry.
    One was that " poetry was the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings."

   After the reading his all poems we can see his poetry themes like...
Nature , memory , humanity , religion.

And his famous poem " I wondered lonely as a cloud."

          The poem Traveling by Wordsworth  and the poem about the nature and also connected a person.
 We can see in this poem his experience and realistic,   real language of common man.
 And then simplicity in diction, powerful feelings and imagination.



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