Wordsworth's preface

1. Video
              In this video discussion the difference between the classicism and the Romanticism.
              The classicism and Romanticism they are two ideologies sometime they are school of thought sometime we may say it's all about the technique of writing certain things or insurance the way you write poetry or the subject you choose about your work of art may be poetry of epic. if we look at neoclassicists that was prevalent in England during the latter half of the 18th we know that it was a period in which intellect was considered to be the ruling guiding principle , pope , Dryden they considered to the neoclassicism and they believed in intellect their poetry was an intellectual imagination the guiding principle.
                   And onther that is neoclassical and romanticism is  that in neoclassicism restrained was the ruling world they believed that should be restrained and Romanticism .
                      Neoclassical and restoration period find different between city and urban life represent and Wordsworth , Shelly , Keats , Coleridge they represent the rustic life and glory of rural people.
                       Romantic poetry basically subjective. Wordsworth definition says good poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility and say that  they believed in subjective and classical poet's believe in objective.

 2. Video
                In this video discussion about Wordsworth poetic diction .
 Poetic diction means  is  choice of words and unique style for each individual poet or author.
                Wordsworth published his Ballads for the first time in 1798.
        In the preface he mentions that way of writing that diction was inane that was highly unnecessarily ornamental erudite and consequently this enidition was only limited to city dwellers again the destination between the country life and country side and the city dwellers that the romantic seems to be having a quarter the city life and the education institutions all the city and he was writing intereste in lyrical ballads in the language as really used by man and his friend disagree with him and Wordsworth has an answer in the preface he say that he find humble and the rustic life.

       3. Video
                      In this video first discussion about what is poet , generally with a person we attached who now therefore there is a very interesting a few sentences there are in Wordsworth preface, where he say that " A poet is a man speaking to men , endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness,who has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive men in the spirit of life, habitually impeller to creative volition, passions and situations where he doesn't find them and he say that comprehensive soul what is a comprehensive soul and then more comprehensive soul.
        Coleridge that imagination of the poet where do not exist even the poet can create something.
           Words saying is not absolutely something which is wrong.

            4. Video

                           In this video discuss about the Deffodils poem .

        Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings it takes its origin form emotional recollected in tranquility and the famous poem Deffodils 1804, and bigging with I begins with" I wondered lonely as a cloud.........
     Ten thousand saw I at a glance saw I at a glance I gazed and the gazed but little thought".
     And next discuss about the stanza in the poem, the tone of the poet the " I " predominant in romantic poetry the"I" subjective is very subjective"I" subjective of the poem. The poem ends with" then my heart with pleasure fills , and dance with the daffodils".

     5. Video


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