Dryden Dramatic poesy - concept of the videos .


Video (1).

  In the first video discuss about three questions .

# why Dryden is called the father of English criticism.?
# In which way he is neoclassical critic?
# How Dryden different from classical tradition.?
       Dryden as " the father of English criticism"  because he is the first man after Aristotle tries to give new definition to criticism before that sir Philip sideny who only elaborated what is said by Aristotle and he more renaissance man . Dryden influenced by Aristotle and langinus . and Plato says that poetic is merely imitation and second hand imitation while Dryden tries to say it is " just and lively image of human nature."

      Video (2).  

               The second is about the two prime questions is Dryden as a poet and critic.
         Dryden is also good things from neoclassical and Elizabethan. and mixture of classical and Romanticism.

      Video (3).

       In the third about the explanation of the definition of drama.
    ' It is a just and lively image of human nature, representation passions and humours and the changes  of  fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and instruction of mankind'.
       In the definition the just and lively is most important word ,it is not merely Or artificial imitation but a natural image.
       Representation means lively image and likeness is also presented. and the onther is  delight and instruction pleasure sensual while the word delight used divinely where peace of mind.

      Video (4).

        The discussion about who is superior ancient or modern Dryden justifying solid notive english but not disrepresnting ancient. And anothe four characters discuss about ancient and modern English drama.
 * Crites- favour of the Ancient .
 * Eugenius - favour of the modern.
 * Lisideius- French drama is superior to English drama.

      Video (5).

         Video five about Dryden argument to ues and avoidance of rhyme. There is debate between crites and Dryden himself as Neander.
 There is neoclassical was of writing. Heroic couplet are used writing in verse, where is Dryden himself is being a part of this tradition.
   There is Dryden argument fall when we talk about his famous play 
 " All for love" is not in verse.

  Video (6).

         This video is about Rhyme or black verse or not argue between crites and Neande.
     Neander make arrangement that literature is sensual phenomenon, so it appeals to the sense of reasons and Sense of listening too .
      Rhyme is unnatural throughout the ues of it one cannot early just and lively image of human nature.
 According to crites it is impossible without premeditated to express and to speak.
 " No man without premeditation speak in rhyme.
     The Neander says that meter , pitch, pun  in language create certain impression and certain effect on language so it is advisable to use musical language and rhyme.


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