
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Modern literature

                    Assignment Name: Rupa Bambhaniya Paper No: 9 The modernists literature Enrollment no: 2069108420200002 Class: M.A sem 3 Submitted by: Smt.S.B.Gardhi, Department of English Email I'd:       Introduction Harold Pinter :      Born 10 October 1930 in East London, playwright, director, actor, poet and political activist. He died 24 December 2008.   He wrote twenty-nine plays including The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming, and Betrayal, twenty-one screenplays including The Servant, The Go-Between and The French Lieutenant's Woman, and directed twenty-seven theatre productions, including James Joyce's Exiles, David Mamet's Oleanna, seven plays by Simon Gray and many of his own plays including his latest, Celebration, paired with his first, The Room at The Almeida Theatre, London in the spring of 2000. "My second play, The Birthday Party, I wrote in 1958 - or 1957. It was totally destroyed by the critics o

The English language teaching

             Assignment Name: Rupa Bambhaniya Paper No: 12 The ELT Enrollment no: 2069108420200002 Class: M.A sem 3 Roll no : 23  Submitted by: Smt.S.B.Gardhi, Department of English Email I'd   Various Approaches in English language learning.       It refers to the skills and behaviors that children use to engage in learning. The Approaches to Learning domain incorporates emotional, behavioral, and cognitive self-regulation under a single umbrella to guide teaching practices that support the development of these skills. There is a difference between approach and method. An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody. A method is the process used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person.  The different teaching approaches in this post can be classified into four theoretical orientations: structural, cognitive, psychological and functional. Let's look at each perspective briefly. Structural approaches believe that language can

The American literature

                   Assignment Name: Rupa Bambhaniya Paper No: 10 The American literature Enrollment no: 2069108420200002 Class: M.A sem 3 Submitted by: Smt.S.B.Gardhi, Department of English Email I'd: Some say the world will end in fire,  Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.        Robert Frost was an American poet and winner of four Pulitzer Prizes. Famous works include “Fire and Ice,” “Mending Wall,” “Birches,” “Out Out,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and “Home Burial.” His 1916 poem, "The Road Not Taken," is often read at graduation ceremonies across the United States.  Frost wanted to be different, but he also valued the use of traditional stanzas and metrical lines. He wrote various types of poetry, but he seemed to particularly like a quatrain with simple rhymes like abab an

The Postcolonial literature

              Assignment Name: Rupa Bambhaniya Paper No: 11 The Postcolonial literature Enrollment no: 2069108420200002 Class: M.A sem 3 Submitted by: Smt.S.B.Gardhi, Department of English Email I'd:         Introduction :          Fanon reflects on why he chose to write Black Skin, White Masks. He argues that in order to understand racism, we must ask what “man” wants and what “the black man” wants. Fanon seeks to understand the relationship between white and black people, and argues that both groups are trapped within their own racial identities. He argues that psychoanalysis is a useful tool for understanding the black experience, and that, through analysis, it is possible to “destroy” the enormous psychological complex that has developed as a result of colonialism. He gives an overview of each chapter and ends by emphasizing that it is difficult to understand the true nature of black experience because white society has created so many harmful myths

The Birthday party.

 Thanking Activity : The Birthday Party Movie screening  Here I'm going to write about movie screening the Birthday party. Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?        I      The   movie when the birthday party starts at that time Lulu is present. And then the very important part of the movie she is npt present in the movie. When somebody rapes on her. She becomes a victims of someone. At that time In the play she is present and she blams on Maccann. This scene is not present in the movie. Maybe director wants focus on the Stanley's character or his situation. That's why Lulu omitted from the movie.    Is movie successful in giving us the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text?     Do you feel the effect of lurking danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading the text. Yes, I feel the effect of Lurking danger while viewing the movie. When Stanley knew that both strengers came. At that time he becomes

Waiting for Godot

  Thinking Activity : Waiting for Godot. (1) What connection do you see in the setting (“A country road. A tree.Evening.”) of the play and these paintings?    In this picture two people are there. Both have desire. This picture also suggests that they are waiting for something. But In picture Longing is the theme of this painting. So Samuel Beckett inspired by this painting and then he writes "Waiting for Godot". In the painting they have desire but for which things, maybe they have desire to meet with God and to get position in Heven. So when we look towards painting we find that In painting they have desire and then when we look towards Beckett's play both waiting for something. So maybe In painting and In play both have same reason for waiting and for desire.    (2) The tree is the only important ‘thing’ in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in Act II on the barren tree - The tree has four or five leaves - ?  Th
                    Assignment Name: Rupa Bambhaniya Paper No: 9 The modernists literature Enrollment no: 2069108420200002 Class: M.A sem 3 Submitted by: Smt.S.B.Gardhi, Department of English Email I'd:       Introduction Harold Pinter :      Born 10 October 1930 in East London, playwright, director, actor, poet and political activist. He died 24 December 2008.   He wrote twenty-nine plays including The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming, and Betrayal, twenty-one screenplays including The Servant, The Go-Between and The French Lieutenant's Woman, and directed twenty-seven theatre productions, including James Joyce's Exiles, David Mamet's Oleanna, seven plays by Simon Gray and many of his own plays including his latest, Celebration, paired with his first, The Room at The Almeida Theatre, London in the spring of 2000. "My second play, The Birthday Party, I wrote in 1958 - or 1957. It was totally destroyed by the critics o

Thinking activity :Interpretation challenge

 Thinking activity :Interpretation challenge.  The Task given by Dilip Barad sir ..          In this video, there is a sound of breathing and crying and different things are used which are useless and used in work.     In the Video we can interpret the breaths with life and death. In the other Idea adopted version we see the light and darkness, so we can connect the light with life and darkness with death. In addition, we can say that life is meaningless like the garbage.            Rational thinkers have question that what is the meaning of life, why we here, what is the ultimate goal of the life, our existence only to get jobs and earning money or travelling? hence everything is absurd in life, life is meaningless it is spend like the 30 second. People come and go but nothing is permanent.

Existentialism Flipped learning

  Thanking Activity :   Existentialism Flipped learning. 1 Video :                What is Existentialism  in the simple meaning like...   a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.  In the video existentialism is about individuality, freedom or passion.      2 Video :     The philosophy of absurdism opines that by rejecting hope one can live in a state of freedom, and this is made possible only without hope and expectations. Absurdist theories and concepts conceive hope as a means of avoiding or evading the Absurd. human life is naturally absurd, due to its being characterised by suffering, death and an absence of meaning.      3 Video:  philosophical suicide  is an essentially ad-hoc attempt to explain away the inconsistency between the human desire for existential purpose and the apparent lack of such a purpose. The term is heavily related to the

Sunday Reading ; EcoCriticism

      Thanking Activity:  Sunday Reading : Ecocriticism ..   Here I'm going write  task about Ecocriticism...        Origin of Ecocriticism:Began in 1990s as an academic disciplineBut its origin can be found in the late 1970sThe term Ecocriticism has been coined by William Rueckert in 1978 in his essay Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism.               Simply put, ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment. Just as feminist criticism examines language and literature from agender conscious perspective, and marxist criticism brings an awareness of modes of production and economic class to its reading of texts, ecocriticism takes an earth Centered approach to literary studies.    by- Cheryll Glotfeltyin- The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology      Ecocriticism is one of the youngest revisionist movements, which has swept the humanities over the past few decades. The present world is facing eco-disaste

Postcolonial studies : Film Screening ; Midnight children and The Reluctant Fundamentalist

  Thanking Activity ;                 Postcolonial studies : Film Screening ; Midnight children and The Reluctant Fundamentalist .         Here I'm going to write about  Film Screening ; Midnight children and The Reluctant Fundamentalist . Click here.         Midnight children           Midnight's Children  is a 1981 novel by author Salman Rushdie. It portrays India's transition from British colonialism to independence and the partition of India. It is considered an example of postcolonial, postmodern, and magical realist literature. The story is told by its chief protagonist, Saleem Sinai, and is set in the context of actual historical events. The style of preserving history with fictional accounts is self-reflexive.            The story of Midnight's Children is the story of Saleem (played by Darsheel and Satya Bhabha), who was born at the precise stroke of midnight, and exchanged at birth with the child of an affluent Indian Muslim family, the Sinais. Saleem shares a