Existentialism Flipped learning

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 Existentialism Flipped learning.

1 Video : 

              What is Existentialism  in the simple meaning like...

  a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.

 In the video existentialism is about individuality, freedom or passion.


2 Video : 

   The philosophy of absurdism opines that by rejecting hope one can live in a state of freedom, and this is made possible only without hope and expectations. Absurdist theories and concepts conceive hope as a means of avoiding or evading the Absurd. human life is naturally absurd, due to its being characterised by suffering, death and an absence of meaning. 


3 Video: 

philosophical suicide is an essentially ad-hoc attempt to explain away the inconsistency between the human desire for existential purpose and the apparent lack of such a purpose. The term is heavily related to the concept of the absurd as described by Albert Camus.

4 Video:

Existentialism is a philosophical theory that people are free agents who have control over their choices and actions. 

For Camus, the entire purpose of Existential philosophy is to overcome absurdity, or, more accurately, for man to triumph over the absurdity of existence.

6 Video:

     Nihilism and existentialism are basically polar opposite philosophies. While nihilists are skeptical of everything, even their own existence, existentialists are interested in more closely examining existence, especially human existence. same deal with existentialism and nihilism. Nihilism IS an ethos. It means you don't believe that anyything in life is meaningless.

8 Video:

Nietzsche's contribution to existentialism was the idea that men must accept that they are part of a material world, regardless of what else might exist. As part of this world, men must live as if there is nothing else beyond life. A failure to live, to take risks, is a failure to realize human potential. Nietzsche did not claim himself as a nihilist nor an existentialist. But his stream of thought can be simplified in this manner.

9 Video: 

 Mostly people find suffering as curse to life, but here it is said that suffering is not our enemy, it is our great friend, through which we learn the difficult and thought transforming lessons, which may be no one else will able to teach us. Existentialism is very broad idea. It does not appeal only to the mind but heart also. It is called existential sensibility. 

10 Video:

Existentialism and essentialism each have positive and negative aspects, in terms of how they might affect a person’s emotional wellbeing. For some people, the existentialist worldview can be liberating, knowing there are no rules; but for others it may be anxiety provoking to believe that they are ultimately responsible for making their own lives meaningful.

Which video I like the most & Why

I mostly like the last video among all . Because here we talk about our life,our meaning of Life,for what and for why ? From what we got good things or happiness. Any of the things which said in video can give meaning to our life .Plato and Aristotle said that ' Everything has Essence including us '


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