Sunday Reading ; EcoCriticism

     Thanking Activity: 

Sunday Reading : Ecocriticism ..

  Here I'm going write  task about Ecocriticism...

       Origin of Ecocriticism:Began in 1990s as an academic disciplineBut its origin can be found in the late 1970sThe term Ecocriticism has been coined by William Rueckert in 1978 in his essay Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism.

              Simply put, ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment. Just as feminist criticism examines language and literature from agender conscious perspective, and marxist criticism brings an awareness of modes of production and economic class to its reading of texts, ecocriticism takes an earth Centered approach to literary studies.  

 by- Cheryll Glotfeltyin- The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology


 Ecocriticism is one of the youngest revisionist movements, which has swept the humanities over the past few decades. The present world is facing eco-disasters  and our environment is now at stake. Only science and technology are not enough to combat the global ecological crisis. We should make change in our attitude to nature. Literature does not float above life, so it has its role to play. For a long time nature was not given due consideration by the literary critics, so ecologically oriented literature pleads for a better understanding of nature in its wider significance. Ecocriticism has developed as 'a worldwide emergent movement 'during the last three decades. The scholars are still engaged in developing its nature and scope. The term ecocriticism was first coined by William Rueckert in his critical writing "Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism" in 1978.The word 'eco' comes from the Greek root word 'oikos' which etymologically means household or earth and 'logy' from 'logos' means logical discourse. Together they mean criticism of the house-the environment as represented in literature. According to Rueckert, ecocriticism applies ecology or  ecological principles into the study of literature. And Lawrence Buell defines ecocriticism "as a study of the relationship between literature and the environment conducted in a spirit of commitment to environmentalist spraxis"(The Environmental Imagination,430).Further ecocriticism does not simply mean nature study; it has distinguished itself from conventional nature writing, first by its ethical stand and commitment to the natural world and then by making the connection between the human and the non-human world. According to Joseph Wood Krutch, Thoreau's work is not about plants or animals or birds; it  is about his relation to them; one may almost say about 'himself in connection with nature.'( Henry David Thoreau 1948) Patrick D. Murphy is right in saying that Ecocriticism is literary "criticism that arises from and is oriented toward a  concern with human and nonhuman interaction and interrelationship."


 "Ecocriticism is a study of the relationship between  literature and nature. "


If a being suffers there can be no moral justification for refusing to take that suffering into consideration. No matter what the nature of the being, the principle of equality requires that its suffering be counted equally with the like suffering insofar as rough comparisons can be made of any other being.


" The study ok physics at a quantum level is the seientiie explonation e Spinituality with a deepe understanding of Realit. "

                        -  Cheryll Glotfelty.


Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things is a portrayal of Exploitation of nature, by human beings in the name of progress and modernization .
 which is a dominant theme of the novel.  The authoress here has shown her keen awareness of today's pressing environmental issues. The novelist in this novel has raised her voice for the environment, which is now under a great threat of pollution. In this novel, she not only exposes the massive degradation of nature but also reflects on the reason behind its dehumanization.

 Another concern of most of the Ecocritics is anthropocentric idea. Luc Ferry suggests that nature "should be disciplined, polished, and cultivated, in short..humanized."They thinks nature as controllable by humans.

Eocriticism explores how human beings interact with then naturalworld.It analyses the treatment of humans and other elements of the ecosystem in literary texts.

Ecocritical study of a literary text offers a solution to the environmental crisis through a radical shift in human consciousness.Ecocriticism is a nature centred philosophy which opposes a anthropocentrism.

    Future of Ecocriticism  :

Expanded into varied fields and disciplines such as ecopsychology, eco spirituality, ecofeminism, material ecocriticism, post colonial ecocriticism, animal studiesand behaviour, literature and the environment,environmental justice, portrayal of environment in mainstream, cannonical and indigenous literature, global warming, climate change.. 


ECocriticism in Frost's :

 Poem First comes rhythm and style that Frost mostly didn't write in free verse.He gives most of the place to nature elements like wood, trees, flower, domestic animals, land (i.e. earth).He treats nature fn both positive and negativeWays.The rural life is depicted largely in his poems.


Therefore, Ecocriticism which was synonymous with the American nature
writings as well as the British Romantic literature has now gained its momentum
with worldwide eco-literature. 

It has changed its colour from local to global perspectives in view of the present ecological crisis around the globe. The humans have only one earth to live in and we are at the brink of our forthcoming destruction unless we are careful of the blue planet. If we want to hear the song of the earth, we should change our anthropocentric vision without any delay. The world literature abounds in ecological perspectives. Environment being an inseparable part of human culture is paramount in all major canonical writings. An ecological insight may lead them into several new perspectives. Indian philosophy and writing is not an exception to this. From the ancient to the cyber age, Indian literature is thronged in environmental concern.
 Apart from the Traditional Indian writing in English, the classic works of regional literature coming in English translation have their representation of nature. They make us learn how we may lead a happy life in close harmony with nature. These environmental literary works beautifully deal with human nature relationship and interconnection- the key note of eco-literature. The common message is keep nature in her pristine beauty; let not destroy what we cannot create.
 The more ecocritical writings will come into focus, the more man will learn to behave with nature in a proper way keeping in tune with the present environmental crisis.


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