Da vinci code

 Thinking Activities

Da Vinci code:


 (1) Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith."

The book is highly controversial but what Brown is saying is also can be taken in to the consideration. He is on a constant spiritual journey, and if there he finds some faults in religion, it is his duty to let others know about that. There is not only one religion in the world and if Brown is finding other religion better than one which he knows that, then he can try to change it, after all religion is made by humans. Spirituality is in knowing our own self and this book let the characters do it. He also have shown some flaws of Christianity, which if we look at it with sceptic eye seems true to us. Then everything needs change with time, so does the religion. 


(2)  “Although it is obvious that much of what Brown presented in his novel as absolutely true and accurate is neither of those, some of that material is of course essential to the intrigue, and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman has retained the novel's core, the Grail-related material: the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene's marriage, the Priory of Sion, certain aspects of Leonardo's art, and so on[1].” How far do you agree with this observation of Norris J. Lacy?

(3) (If)You have studied ‘Genesis’ (The Bible), ‘The Paradise Lost’ (John Milton) and ‘The Da Vinci Code’ (Dan Brown). Which of the narrative/s seem/s to be truthful? Whose narrative is convincing to the contemporary young mind?

 The narrative of the da Vinci code is more convincing for the contemporary young generation. It is time of doubt and not believing in what is written and said. Genesis and Paradise lost tells story of God. It picturise punishment of God to men. So it keep people in fear while The Da Vinci code tries to prove Jesus as man in logical way. So Da Vinci code is more convincing in this era.

(4) What harm has been done to humanity by the biblical narration or that of Milton’s in The Paradise Lose? What sort of damage does narrative like ‘The Vinci Code’ do to humanity?

Because of biblical narration churches had all the power. They were controller of the society and people were not free. Even artists also had to paint and draw what church want. Lots of people have been killing for religion. The Da Vinci code tries to deconstruct Jesus as God with the help of myths. In the novel there is description of how millions of women were killed for killing of Marie Magdalene. This work can be do harm in that way. In the end it proves that heir of Jesus is living. So for protection of power again church can do same thing.

(5) What difference do you see in the portrayal of 'Ophelia' (Kate Winslet) in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, 'Elizabeth' (Helena Bonham Carter) in Kenneth Branagh's Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or 'Hester Prynne' (Demi Moore) in Roland Joffé's The Scarlet Letter' or David Yates's 'Harmione Granger' (Emma Watson) in last four Harry Potter films - and 'Sophie Neuve' (Audrey Tautau) in Ron Howard's The Da Vinci Code? How would justify your answer?

Mostly these all female characters are similar but at some extent they differ from each other. If we talk about Ophelia and Elizabeth are portrayed as subordinated to the male characters while Hester Prynne, Hermione Granger and Sophie Neveu have their own voice in movies. Another big difference between all these characters and Sophie is objectification of their body. Directors have shown women’s body very openly and also when there is no need of such scenes, but Ron Howard has remain faithful to the theme of novel and which he keeps in his film is that Female Sacredness. He has not shown Sophie’s body as a object. This is the big difference between portrayal of all other female characters and portrayal of Sophie Neveu.

(6) Do novel / film lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about your religion? Can we think of such conspiracy theory about Hindu religious symbols / myths?

Hindu religion is also full of myths and stories. There are uncountable gods and goddesses. The DA Vinci code questions that whom we believe God, are they really God or they were humans like us? In Hindu religion also there are established gods and goddesses. Rama and Krishna are prominent gods of Hindus but they can be man. Only source of their information are books. Books can be fiction also and after translation and rewriting it keeps changing. For example Valmiki has never used word God for Ram. But then also he is considered God. Any religion sustains on fear. So who gets advantages by religion they will keep people in fear. Most of the stories of Hindu religion tells the stories of how God punishes who do not worship them. There are lots of examples in vratkathas. Like how one lady did not took prasad and her husband killed, how one man hit idol of God and punished. Those type of stories are conspiracies to keep people in fear.

(7) Have you come across any similar book/movie, which tries to deconstruct accepted notions about Hindu religion or culture and by dismantling it, attempts to reconstruct another possible interpretation of truth?

(8) When we do traditional reading of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Robert Langdon, Professor of Religious Symbology, Harvard University emerges as protagonist and Sir Leigh Teabing, a British Historian as antagonist. Who will claim the position of protagonist if we do atheist reading of the novel?

 When novel ends protagonist Robert Langdon clearly emerges as staunch believer of God while antagonist Leigh Teabing as atheist. Teabing's only intention is to make all humans free. Free from fear of God. He always believed that Jesus is not God and whole life tries to find secret of holy grail and prove it. He kills many people and can do anything to prove his belief. So if we read novel as atheist novel then Leigh Teabing will be protagonist. And his intention also can be consider good for humanity.

(9) Explain Ann Gray’s three propositions on ‘knowability’ with illustrations from the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’.

a. 1) Identifying what is knowable 

b. 2) identifying and acknowledging the relationship of the knower and the known

c. 3) What is the procedure for ‘knowing’?


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