The Role of English in india


       Thanking Activity :

The Role of English in india Unite: 1

1.)What is the role of English Language in India according to you with reference to any one essay discussed in the class?

     In this essay Kapil Kapoor is arguing and giving his view on the contemporary teaching style. We Indians by childhood have First Language or Mother tongue, and then Hindi becomes the Second Language, and then comes English. In fact English is our third language not second. So, the teaching style of English should be different.


  The significance of English as Second language can only be understood in the larger and in the historical perspective. It is to be noted that English in India is a symbol of linguistic Centolalism whereas the numerous Indian language are seen to represent linguistic regionalism from Macaulay to Murayama Singh, we have seen now in Indian the movement from one to the other. Following the withdrawal of the British from India, the language question naturally came to the fare, in which the central issue was the role and status to English vis-à-vis Indian language, both were vernacular and classical. 

2.) What are the challenges you faced while learning English Language as?

It all comes down to fear and lack of confidence. The fear of using the wrong word, getting the grammar wrong or mispronunciation. Or just have no confidence in their ability to speak English.

               Communication is a skill which involves systematic and continuous process of speaking, listening and understanding. Most people are born with the physical ability to talk, but we must learn to speak well and communicate effectively. Speaking, listening and our ability to understand verbal and nonverbal cues are the skills by observing other people and modeling our behavior on what we see and perceived. We are also taught some communication skills directly through education. 


     I like to speak English. And I think it's easy. ... It's very extensive so there's a word for everything you want to express, but also the sense and the possibility of liberty that English gives you to connect with people around the world. So... the freedom, really, associated with English

3.)Write your reflection regarding the classroom activities. What challenges you faced in doing the activities as teachers.

English is the most used and spoken language around the world. ... English is the language used in business, science, and technology. Learning English will increase your chances to get a job, participate in discussions, and improve your networking skills. English helps you increase your educational opportunities.

Many words sound the same but have vastly different spellings. There can be a “pair” of people or a “pear” like the fruit. They are pronounced the same, but have different spellings and different meanings. Going further, individual letter sounds can be spelled many different ways. 

     Activities : 

 Introducting new word ,

Choosing profession,

Lesson planning,

Translation of sentences.

4.)How do you see your future with the English Language?

      English is used in the contact system with the outside world in India. This is also used for interaction between states and intrastate. India has great ethnic and linguistic diversity, so we can see English as an important' bridge' language.

     English has become a global language, a linking connection, a language of modern science and technology, a language of the latest sciences, such as information technology and space science, a language of all competitive exams, whether regional, national or international. We now live in the world of information and communication technology, whether we know it or not. Computers can be seen everywhere populating in this digital age. Eighty percent of computer data is processed and stored in English scientists find that more than half of the world's published newspapers were written in the English problem faced by students.


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