Thanking Activity : Identify the "Modernist", Symbol ' Imagery and Metaphor'.... For the poems.
Thanking Activity : Identify the "Modernist", Symbol ' Imagery and Metaphor'.... For the poems.
I'm write about the Modern poems and identify Modernist..
Meaning of this Modernism ...
Modernism is a technique, thought discussion, creative work or genre of art and literature that breaks from the classical mold or that is considered cutting edge. An example art that breaks from classical styling .
Modern character or quality of thought , expression, technique...
* Characteristic of Modernism .....*
# Alienation
# Transformation
# Consumption
# The relativity of truth
# Self consciosness concering artistic,
# Socialtraditions ..
# In short poems ..
Modernist.... #
" The Embankment " by T.S Eliot
In many ways Hulme’s masterpiece is the following poem, ‘The Embankment’, written around 1908-9 while Hulme was an active member of the Poets’ Club (later the Secession Club) in London
The fantasia of a fallen gentleman on a cold, bitter night.
In a flash of gold heels on the hard pavement. That warmth's the very stuff of poesy. The old star-eaten blanket of the sky, ... The poem then ends with a heartfelt entreaty to the heavens, with the poem's speaker beseeching God to make a blanket of the starry sky so that the speaker's wish for warmth might be granted.
In this poems his main idea the man who get shelter from the god he was hopless and he don't like hard work.
Shelter, hide Hopless people...
" Darkness " by Joseph Campbell.
Joseph Campbell was American author and editor whose works on comparative mythology examined the universal functions of myth in various human cultures and mythic figures in a wide range of literatures.
I stop to watch a star shine in the boghole –
A star no longer, but a silver ribbon of light.
I look at it, and pass on.
In the past, critics classified "Darkness" as a "Last Man" poem, following a general theme of the end of the world scenes from the view of the last man on earth.
Death , Depression , Nagative thought.
Image " by Edward Store
Edward Augustine Storer was an English writer, translator and poet. ... His poetry was based on the value of the image to which language had to be adapted in conciseness .
Here image meas sorrowful and sadness, condition ....Everything..
Not that like image to kind of ideas...
" In a stations of Metro " by Ezra Pound.
Ezra Pound is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry. , a major figure in the early modernist poetry movement, who became a fascist collaborator in Italy during World War II.
In the poem Title " In a Stations of the metro" is a Parish metro station. In the poem using vivid and original image.
The lifeless people going for the daily routine. The crowd of people are like living dead. Going for work without any enthusiasm.
So that this poem also based on imagination As the title suggested the image of Metro-station...
Apparition , imagery , petals.....
# The pool by H.D #
Hilda Doolittle was one of the leaders of the Imagist movement. She published numerous poetry collections, including Sea Garden (Constable and Company, 1916) and Helen in Egypt (Grove Press, 1961). She died in 1961.
Are you alive?
I touch you.
You quiver like a sea-fish.
I cover you with my net.
What are you—banded one?
In the poem first line started with the question like ..
Are you alive?. How can alive because there it is in the net of somebody and we know that after fish going in the net cannot a live for longer.
Sea, wings, love ...
" Insouciance " by Richard Aldington .
In his short poem “Insouciance,” written a year after World War I ended, Aldington composed this odd little poem. In it, Aldington describes life in the trenches and how poetry kept him alive and happy. It is oddly light-hearted when compared with modern ideals of war poetry. The personification of poems as “white winged doves” that fly away is liberating and helps understand his perspective on the arts and why they kept him alive and happy during trying times.
Dreary , Trenches, Winged dove....
" Morning at the Window "by T.S Eliot .
the poem "Morning at the Window" is poverty. The poem presents a very human picture of poor people in the city slum. The poem presents a set of typical images that suggest poverty, depression, misery and squalor in the slums (poor and dirty areas of the cities) where the poor live.
Dampsoul , muddy skirts
Basement , Twisted faces ..
" The Red wheelbarrow " by William Carlose William .
William Carlos Williams was an American poet, writer, and physician closely associated with modernism and imagism. In addition to his writing, Williams had a long career as a physician practicing both pediatrics and general medicine.
Notable works: "The Red Wheelbarrow"
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