Thanking Activitiy : views on marriage system.

Thanking Activitiy: views on marriage system.

   Hello readers .....

    Here I'm going to write about marriage system and this task given by Heena medam .
Task related in our text  (novel sense and sensibility)
 And also task is about ask to people views on marriage system.

    In the novel sense and sensibility.
In this novel marriage issues and cast and religion.....etc..

          My views on marriage system ;

        Marriage is something that is done in the work of the society, customs. Which one connects to the family with another family, and a person connects to the other person, with another margin, then join the other soul, then a soul connects to the soul. And is love to  things, love,  sorrow,pain, etc., and both person is an answer to the one for one another.
Some peoples are against of this marriage system. According to them marriage is a system of completions of a girl's and boy's mind fillings to each other. They provide value of love marriage and offer freedom of their child to choose their life partner
a formal union and social and legal contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally, economically, and emotionally. ... Being married also gives legitimacy to sexual relations within the marriage.

    Another people's views on marriage system like........

Nikita didi department of English......

      Marriage is a important in both person's life. Both are equally important in this relationship. In this relationship trust and understanding is very important. Marriage is a new beginning for both the person that's why passion is necessary.

Hina didi department of English..........

      *What is Marriage?*

According to me Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permannent* (T&C apply)😅 because every marriage brings challenges, often profound ones.

*One should get married or not?*

As per my understanding you should only get married if you are absolutely sure that you can take responsibility for your own happiness as well as your partner's...

*How to decide who deserves you?*

one can be accepted as your better half only if your inner is craving for him/her and the same intense feeling is needed by his/her side too...

        Hetal .......


     Avni  didi department of English.....

        Marriage is a culture system necessarily or unnecessarily follow by everyone.

But according to me,
Marriage is just a deal, and it is somehow forced by people and family, but one may have tried to bonding it is way to a good relationship for a life long journey. It is way like a good friendship and good understanding follow by couples.

       Thank you........



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