Cultural studies

 Thanking Activity : cultural Studies.

        Hello readers ,

  Here the blog about culture studies and given by Dilip Barad sir how to understand the cultural.

    The arts and other manifestation of
Human intellectual achievement regarded collectively .

   The ideas customes and and social behaviour of a particular people or society.

Culture is coustom, traditional, communication, art etc..all the things represent.

Culture is something that unites people. ,   Human activity and symbols which significant to this activities.

    Cultural study :  

                 culture is symbolic communication some of its symbols include a groups skills , knowledge, attitudes, values and motives the meanings of the symbols are learned and deliberately perpetuated in a society through its institutions.

        “culture” creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations and power. 

  In the  photo we can see  the differant  cultures in the world and we know that differant rules and coustam , traditional etc...


This video also very helpful to understand to power.
Where power comes from, how it's exercised and how can one read and write power.

Power is the ability to make others do what you would have them do.... family , work, raletion.

Sources of civic power

1. Physical force 

2.state action


4.  Social Norms 

5. Ideas 

6. Numbers.

How power opperat and three law.

1. Power is never static .

2. Power is like water.

3. Power compounds.




Four goals of cultural studies.

1).  Culture studies transcend the confines of particular discipline such as literary criticism or history.cultural studies deny the separation or high and low or elite and popular culture.

" Literary theory", sometimes designed critical theory" within the discipline of literary studies, can be understood as the set of concepts and intellectual assumptions on which rests the work of explaining or interpreting literary texts.

2). Cultural studies is politically engaged
 Cultural studies is a field of theoretically , politically and empirically engaged cultural analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture it's history of foundation, defining traits , conflicts , and contingencies.

 Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern.
Citizen acting alone or together to protect public values or make a change or difference in the community are common tyes of civic engagement.

 3). Cultural studies denies the separation of high and low or elite and popular culture.

 Low culture is a derogatory term for form of popular culture that have mass appeal. It's contrast is " high culture " which an also be has been said by culture theorists that both High culture and law culture are subcultures. The boundaries of law cultures and High convergence.

Low culture :  pop music, romantic Hollywood comedies and soap operas.

High culture :  Renaissance art , classical music and opera.

High culture is the consumption patterns, mannerisms, beliefs , amusement leisure, activities and taste and perterences of a societies elite . and we' re going to define societies elite as those with advanced education or economic success.

4).  Culture studies analysis not only the cultural work, but also the means of production.

                   Means of production the means that are used to produce good and services. Including the social relations between works technology, and other resources used.

Marxist critics have long recognized the importance of such par literary questions as these who published his or her book and how are these books distributed ?

Culture studies this joins subjectively that is culture in relation to individual lives with engagement a direct approach to attacking social ills.

   Thank you......


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