Comparison of the Elizabeth age with the other ages.

   Comparison of the Elizabethan age with the other ages.

 Comparison of the Elizabethan age (1558-1603)the other ages.   considered the Golden age of  English literature. English writers were intrigued and heavily influenced by Italian Renaissance writing and reading adopted this model. The era is also considered the era of sonnets.

        This was  a period of great literature creativity and prolific writing. The works included a variety of prose and verse with topics ranging from platonic idealism to romantic to repulsive realism.

      Some of the most famous writers in this age.

       - Sir Philip Sidney,
      - Edmund Spenser,
      - Richard Hooker,
     - Christopher Marlowe,
    - William Shakespeare.

        Comparison of the Elizabethan age with the puritan age.

       The 17th century or the puritan period (1625-1700) may be divided into two period.
   -  The puritan age or
   - The age of Milton.

 Characteristics of the Puritan age:-

     - In literature also the puritan age was one of confusion,due to the breaking up of the old ideas.

    - In  the absence of any fixed standard of literary. Criticism there was nothing to prevent the exaggeration of the 'Metaphysical ' poets.

     - poetry took new and starting forms in Donne and Herbert and prose become as sombers as Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.

    Significant literary works during this period.

     - Areopaitica by John Milton,
    - Devotions by John Done .

   The 20th century or The modern period .

      Characteristics of the modern period.

    -  Note of pessimism, disillusionment
And melancholy in writing.

     - Sense of fragmentation and loos faith.
      -  Use of symbol and scientific methodology.

         - Reflection of the modern chaos and confusion.

          Characteristics of the Romantic age (1800-1837)÷

         • Idealization of women and children a return to nature.
         • An intereste in the past.

     Characteristics of the Restoration age (1660-1700)÷

  -The influence of the Italian scholar 
Petrarch who revitalized intereste in the classical thought of the Greeks and Roman.

      -A positive willingness to learn and explore.

     - A faith in the nobility of man humanism.

     - The discovery and mastery of linear perspective.


     Characteristics of the Victoria age÷

   -     It was the time excatly comes after the Romantic age.

     -   The Victoria age starts with the region of the queen Victoria.







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