Work shop on quality and Authenticity of web resources.

   Work shop  on quality and Authenticity of web resources.

           Hello Readers, Today I write blog about on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources. And Today student  are very well using the website and all website very useful for the students and teachers etc....

Work shop on Quality and Authenticity of web resources Organised in department of engEngl
By Prof. Dilip Barad.

Let's start the evaluate some web site/ web resources which are by many students for study.

 ( 1 )

 The first website is the  useful for literature students and this website gives the many  different information about the one topic . Also I'm using this website.

Authorit 2
Educational value 3 
Intent 2
 Originality 2 
Quality 2

( 2 )  cliffsnotes. Com

 We can see this website   authority and educational value all the see in this website.
And also very useful for the students.
Quality is good in this many information given the right.

Authority  1
Educational value 3 
Intent 1
 Originality 2 
Quality 2

( 3 ) 
In the third website so many students usde this website and others.
I'm search so many things in website and good results and Authenticity is a good and educational value is also good.

Authority  1
Educational value 3 
Intent 1
 Originality 3
Quality 3

Thank you......


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